All grade levels will receive a minimum of 90 minutes of integrated language arts instruction each day and use Step Up To Writing as a guide for instruction in writing. Cross grade writing samples are examined three times each year. Core literacy instruction is supplemented in all grade levels during PBL where students read and write to demonstrate learning in science and social studies.
The Continuum of Literacy Learning and Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) by Fountas and Pinnell is used as both an assessment tool and a guide for teaching reading in grades K-3. Researchers evaluated the Leveled Literacy Intervention system (LLI) implemented in Tift County Schools (TCS) in Georgia and the Enlarged City School District of Middletown (ECSDM) in New York during the 2009-2010 school year. The study found that LLI positively impacts K-3 student literacy achievement in rural and suburban settings. They determined that LLI is effective with ELL students, students with a special education designation, and minority students in both rural and suburban settings.