Science and Social Studies (PBL)

Rich and in-depth study of social studies and science take place during integrated learning blocks scheduled every day. Each year, students in Grades K-8 will complete Place/Project/Product Based Learning (PBL) platforms built around CAS 2020 standards in science and social studies. Each PBL class will require students to apply 21st Century learning skills by researching, reading, writing, speaking, investigating, collaborating and thinking critically about compelling topics.

Connection to Mission

One of the core ways we reach our mission is through PBL. It is part of a deeper learning model that allows students to apply what they have learned in some capacity while giving teachers permission to go deep with science and social studies standards rather than broad. We spend much of our professional collaboration time working on the various PBL curricula that teachers create or adapt to fit our mission. When they are completed we call them platforms. Platforms incorporate opportunities for interdisciplinary work, collaboration, field studies, individual and group projects, formal oral presentations with feedback from live audiences and, sometimes, service to the community as a result of what they have learned. Wherever possible, we use our local community as the learning place. That may include resident experts on the topic and/or field trips to nearby locations for field study. We aim to use our community as a learning resource and give back if and when we can.